- 成语名称:吃小灶(-)
- 结构形式:ABC式成语
- 组成汉字:吃、小、灶
- 成语解释:◎ 吃小灶 chī xiǎozào[give special care] 比喻特殊照顾我们不靠国家贷款吃小灶英文翻译1.sit at mess as officers or senior staff of an institution, etc. where the food is cooked on a small scale and served à la carte -- be treated in a favoured way, enjoying some kind of privilege
- 百度百科:吃小灶比喻享受到特殊照顾,不同于一般的,与别的事物不相同,特别注意,加以优待,商店或服务行业等管顾客前来购买东西或要求服务叫吃小灶。
- 英语翻译:to be treated in a favored way; to be given special treatment
相关成语大全(汉字:吃 、小 、灶 )